The story of my life in Mt Larcom/Gladstone. This is a picture of some (most) of my friends from school (Kym, Lisa, Kelly (house mate), me and Tiff). We had just competed in a Hollywood Trivia night and won. I'm still on school hols which is good and I'm doing my best at doing as little as possible, which I have discovered I am very good at! The only problem is that there are kids everywhere! Talk to you all later Leetice
Saturday, September 29, 2007
All dressed up and no where to go...
The story of my life in Mt Larcom/Gladstone. This is a picture of some (most) of my friends from school (Kym, Lisa, Kelly (house mate), me and Tiff). We had just competed in a Hollywood Trivia night and won. I'm still on school hols which is good and I'm doing my best at doing as little as possible, which I have discovered I am very good at! The only problem is that there are kids everywhere! Talk to you all later Leetice
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
welcome new bloggers
Welcome to Brisbane!

Nana's thoughts
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Let's Terminate the Tilapia!
On the 16th of September Aloomba State School held a tilapia terminators fishing competition. Everyone who competed in the competition caught, altogether, 2549 tilapia! It was my birthday. I caught 2 big ones and one small one and Mitchell caught one mud cod. We were fishing for about 4 hours and then we had to head back to the school.
Trinity Anglican School came first in the school competition. Babinda State School came second and Aloomba State School came third! Next year we are hoping to catch more fish. I'm sure if Aunty Janelle were there she would have had a blast! BYE FOR NOW
Christmas List
Lyndal > Maibry
Geoff> someone? can't remember who's left?
Mitchell, Kimberley & Janine are still under 18 so presents please! Ha!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Happy Birthday to You!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
larcom news
Will try and post fairly frequently to keep you all up to date with the latest. Maybe next post will have some photos.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Happy Birthday Chelsea!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Chelsea!
Happy birthday to you!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The Magic Man!
You will never guess who came and visited Prep on Tuesday. The kids absolutely loved him! They even said he was better then the lady that came from the sensory circus who taught them body tricks! Dad was able to practice for Fiji and the kids were able to experience another part of circus performances. So it was great for everyone.
The kids are absolutely loving the 'circus' unit we are doing. Everyday they are in the tent practicing and performing. We have ticket masters, ring masters, assistants, tightrope walkers, cheetahs (!) and tamers, acrobats, magicians, fire twirlers, a food crew and most importantly security! Our security many is very professional. He told me today that he needed to go and do some exercises so he could be strong. He is great at crowd control and ensuring every audience member has their ticket! The food crew was great today. We had a rehearsal of what they are going to cook for the parents. They cooked cheerios and mini bread rolls. Yum! Yum! They were also very professional wearing gloves and collecting the money.
As much as I love the kids, I can't wait till the holidays! 6 more school days to go!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Aye, Aye, Captain!
An 8am start down at the boat ramp got us knee deep in freezing cold water, shivering in the crisp wind wondering what we were doing...but we had all gone to too much effort to get up and going we couldn't very well turn on the plans. We jumped in the boat and powered down the passage, wind in the face, getting wet and feeling miserable...ah, family bonding! Finally once we felt we'd gone far enough we stopped somewhere on Bribie Is for shelter and morning tea treats, but froze our legs off in the cold wind!
After our brief pitstop, we turned back...and would you believe it, in 5 minutes the weather had fined up and it was a beautiful ride (it also possibly had something to do with the fact that it was much later than 8am by this point)! The return trip was great, we cruised by the waterfront houses, Steven had a drive and Poppa tested the accuracy of the fish finder's depth indicator by cruising along the technology and the Walton curiosity - like father like son (I'm sure I've been in similar boating experiments before)!
We had a great morning, thank you Poppa!

Hi Cousins,
Hope you had a great weekend. We had a good one. Quite relaxing. Managed to go to church at Mapleton for the opening of their new extension of the church. Was good to catch up with some old faces. (not old as in old but as in familiar faces from way back) Hang on a minute, i guess they were oldish. Did some scrapbooking of the cousins on Friday night. Of course it was when they were all little and could fit in a bath together...... How cute.
Thought I would send a happy memory of some of the cousins.....
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Youth Alive

Thursday, September 6, 2007
I think I might have worked it out!

Hi guys, Yes I'm slowly trying to work out this blogging deal..... It's a worry. These old people just don't seem to be able to manage this new technology. Anyhow....How's the holiday going Chels. Hope the weather isn't effecting it too much. It's been raining all day and night here. We'll be considering getting Uncle Kerry to build an ark soon if it doesn't let up.... Anyhow have a good one.. love Aunty Janelle
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Happy Father's Day!

Poppa was quite rapped (is that how you spell it in this context? Maybe one of the teachers out there can tell me!) with his present from Mum & Dad of a model tractor...and of course it sparked much conversation about this and that model of tractors going back about 40 yrs and was it a totally true replication etc etc...most riveting conversation for the men at the table anyway! Poppa told us the story of how his father died in a tractor accident and showed us how after that, all tractors were made with covers over the battery as a safety precaution - something that would've saved our great-poppa's life back then.
Nanna also reminisced with an article she's found in the paper about the sale of the old boothville hospital (at least I think that's what it's called). All her little babies were born there and she was actually able to point out on the pic which rooms she had stayed in! I told her she should buy it then she could actually show us around!

Help for the struggling bloggers!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Just the way I like it!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
A Night at the Tivoli