Ok - prepare to be blown out of the water ladies! Men - prepare to be put to shame!
Today is our 6th wedding anniversary! Unfortunately Pete is in Sydney at a 'Wild At Heart' men's conference with Steve...did I mention they're not allowed to have mobile phones at this conference!?! So I've spent it all on my lonesome..no, I lie..I had to work so I spent it with about 100 stressed out Christmas shoppers.
Anywaaaaays, Pete decided we should celebrate on Wednesday night since he was leaving Thursday. I got a big bunch of flowers on arriving home, I cooked his favourite dinner and then I was told I had to get ready cause we were going out! I was told we'd be doing lots of walking so wear good walking shoes and he put on jeans so I followed suit on that. We drove about a km down the road to the Petrie hall to go to...wait for it!....a ballroom dancing lesson!! I couldn't believe it!! So after I got over the romantic gesture part of it, I started freaking out that I was about to look like a real unco! We had a fantastic night with 50 new friends (all at least 20 yrs our snr), learning the quickstep, the chachacha, the rumba and the jive. Sounds impressive right!? Ok, they were extremely beginner versions of those dances and at one stage the entire circle dance was stopped so we could get some specialist attention, but wow it was fun! Next time however, I will not be wearing boho sandals and jeans...all the other ladies were wearing heeled dancing shoes and swirly, elegant skirts..the men collared shirts and shiney black dress shoes.
I am pretty sure we will be going semi-regularly next year AND we will definately be dragging along some friends and family!!