Thought we would show all those with little girls in their family the cake at the twins birthday party last weekend. Chloe Kimberley and I had a lovely time sampling all the great food Kylie provided.
Mitchell has now finished Year 9. He is over at Michaels for the night. I look forward to having another hour in the day --- I don't have to go to the bus.
Kimberley is gearing up for school captain speeches on Friday. We've just done all the posters and badges to give to everyone. It is a pity Chelsea isn't here to oversee.
Having lots of storms lately. Kimberley is beside herself .. things will change I hope.
It looks like I've got a torn muscle in my shoulder. I have to have ultrasound and xrays this week. When I was at behs pool last weekend it killed me when I tried to swim.
Mitchell will have to hand washing out as I can't lift my arm above my head.
Doug is busy spraying the cane. It's growing so quick with the humidity.
Looking forward to seeing everyone
Love Merryl