Hi all,
Well I have made it safely to Calgary, as most of you have probably seen on Facebook. I am starting to look for jobs, and have done lots of networking with everyone. Lauren and I will be moving in with Amy and her brother into their new house they just bought. I am looking forward to unpacking and not living in a suitcase! We're looking at buying a car to make it easier to get around as Calgary is a lot more spread out.
Now I have heard that Nana and Poppa are going to shout everyone a white Christmas! I am so excited! I have started looking at different accommodation that we could all fit in. I have found few but this one looks great. I have included the link!
I am not sure it will be big enough but good to get us started!
Love to you all and can't wait to see you in December!
Here is a snap shot and a few details
For more close up pictures and further details on the lodge.