Thanks Aunty Merryl! I sent you a msg on your birthday...did you get it? I had a fantastic day but more on that later...
Pete & I have just come home from 2 wks up at the infamous Caloundra penthouse. It's hard to come back down to earth after all that relaxing but so it goes! Due to terrible weather we spent most of the time watching movies, reading and playing Stars Wars Lego on playstation (no, I admit, it wasn't just Pete!). 
Chelsea and Steven joined us for a night on the first week and we spent a lovely rainy-ish day at Montville (much to the delight of the boys). Got all our Christmas baby shopping out of the way...Pete's sister Bronwyn had twin boys in July and his other sister had a little girl in July also..and one of my bf's Julie is having a little girl in February so Chels and I got baby shower shopping done too.

Anna, you should know me better. I don't check my messages!