Sunday, August 24, 2008

My Little Boy

Here is a picture of my little boy after I gave him a new haircut!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

31 and a half weeks!

8.5 weeks to go! Scary!! I started having a little panic when I asked Nanna last week who her biggest baby was...Dad of course! I then remembered I was the biggest baby of our family too! These 2 facts, along with every second person telling me I look 'big', prompted me to ask the dr this week whether he thought our baby was going a big one..he assured me it seemed very average size...praise the Lord!!
Pete and i have started ante-natal classes at the hospital and yes, we have seen THE video! I had prepared myself for Pete to faint (he's not real good with the sight of blood) but he watched it all and wasn't even white at the end of it! Got to have a suck of the gas in last weeks class which made me a little woozy. Have decided I'm not going into the birth with any real set ideas about how I expect it to go and what I'm going to do. We'll just go with the flow!! (Although the more I hear about epidurals the more I don't want one but hey, if I can't take the pain, I can't take it!) We're learning lots of really good information...I'm just hoping it doesn't all fly out the window when the action starts happening!
We had a bit of a scare last week with a trip to the hospital. All is fine and baby is fighting fit. Got to see the birth suites which are pretty nice - not as sterile as I thought they would be. They have a big bath with pressure hoses to put on your back (like a spa which Pete can hop in too...although they do specify they prefer the husbands to wear togs!), fit balls, massage oils, cd player, lounge chair, tv and other stuff. Sounds like I'm gonna have a ball!! Ha!

I finish work in 2 and a half weeks..not that I'm counting or anything. I'm just doing short shifts now so I'm not on my feet all day. The cradle and cot are nearly finished being painted. Now we just have to figure out how to put them back together again! I'll put up a pic when the baby's room is finished.
A big thank you to Great Aunty Merryl for the beautiful crocheted booties!! Baby Cunningham's cold little feet can't wait to get into them!

Me & Mitchy Moo

Found this the other day tucked in my bible! What a little cutie! I think I was about Mitchell's age now in this pic.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

News from the NOrth

Just got a new camera as the screen on my old one went blank. I haven't downloaded any photos to share with you. Kimberley is pleased that the stray cats in the shed at Edmonton have had kittens. We had to pay a visit today before they disappear. Mitchell is getting ready to turn 14. He is heading off to Lazer Tag with a few friend sto celebrate. He has nearly overtaken me in height and is up for another pair of new school shoes as he is out of the ones I bought 3 months ago. Doug is busy planting with his 74 year old boss. Thankfully we are not planting for many others this year. The Powerline Towers are being contructed between Cairns and Innisfail (ugly) . We have one on the farm. Chloe had a jewellery party the other night at a teachers aide from White Rocks home. I was the cashier....took lots of cash...still lots of jewels left.
Thats all for now. Love Merryl

Thursday, August 14, 2008

These are a few of my favourite people................

Thought you might like to see some of Kerry's new friends.  It's incredible who you rub shoulders with.  Even Aunty Nell got to sit in a VIP tent!!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Arnott I Beautiful!

I thought you all would like to see my new uniform!!! Earmuffs, hairnet and steel capped boots...these are the precautions that I have to take to ensure you don't get hair in your scotch fingers!
I had a very busy first week at work, I am stationed at the far end of the factory for the next few months...which means I do quite a bit of walking back and forth the length of the factory each day(which might not sound far but I seem to walk past the 76m long ovens about 6 times a day)! So I'm hoping I won't have too much trouble walking off the weight gain that will occur from the unlimited biscuits policy! My biscuit count is approx 15 after 5 is hard to pass up the free bikkies in the smoko rooms, and a fresh Ched hot from the oven!
I was suprised to find I had my very own desk, computer, phone, and phone number...they might actually expect me to do a few things around the factory! Hee job has actually been quite interesting so far and I already have my first project that I am keen to get stuck into.
The full-time hours are really hard, I could fall asleep at 7pm if I let myself (or rather if Steven let me - he was not impressed when I came home the second day and fell asleep at 530!)

Friday, August 8, 2008

and the rain came tumbling down ...

Our visitors arrived as the clouds started gathering and the next morning the early drizzle got serious. We've never drafted sheep in the wet before and have no desire to do so again! Wayne and Marie arrived in the yards just as the ear tagging was being done. We were hoping to truck these sheep away on Thursday but it was not to be. Unfortunately the rain didn't stop for a day or so, so they didn't get to see much of our outback paddocks. A walk to the dam in one direction and down to the creek in another, was as much as we could show them and then finally the sun started to peep out Friday morning. The car and caravan got bogged not far from the house and after getting a tow from our trusty Toyota, they finally made it out onto the road. I believe they experienced an 'exciting' trip along our wet, greasy road to the bitumen near the highway and it was good to hear they made it out without any other problems.

Monday, August 4, 2008

These are a few of my favourite things...

Wow! Week four already! After this, 6 more then holidays... yipee!
School is wonderful, new group of kids and haivng a fabulous time.
I have another jewellery party coming up, this will be number 3. Its at one of the teacher aides places. She had a party there last term, so I'm a little worried as everyone wants to see new 'stuff'. For the next few weeks, every spare moment will be devoted to making jewellery to 'stock up' my supplies. So far, I've made a great start, 30+ necklaces in 4 days! Who knows how many more... though whatever I do, it won't be enough. Whatever I don't make, they will want...but that's just how it goes. I'm planning to have another jewellery party out at my place in term 4 'showcasing' the Christmas collection. I just have to come up with what will be in that collection... Sometimes I think why bother, because it can be so stressful.. but I enjoy it, and if I keep making it, I will always have a growing personal collection of jewels!