Our visitors arrived as the clouds started gathering and the next morning the early drizzle got serious. We've never drafted sheep in the wet before and have no desire to do so again! Wayne and Marie arrived in the yards just as the ear tagging was being done. We were hoping to truck these sheep away on Thursday but it was not to be. Unfortunately the rain didn't stop for a day or so, so they didn't get to see much of our outback paddocks. A walk to the dam in one direction and down to the creek in another, was as much as we could show them and then finally the sun started to peep out Friday morning. The car and caravan got bogged not far from the house and after getting a tow from our trusty Toyota, they finally made it out onto the road. I believe they experienced an 'exciting' trip along our wet, greasy road to the bitumen near the highway and it was good to hear they made it out without any other problems.
Looks cold out there!